Cartoons are not for kids
Neoliberalism is a threat to the possibility of a Socialist utopia. That is, a reinvention of politico-economic ideas and a growing revolution of global resistance against corporate capitalist organizations have been established and are making its Socialist voice known. What this research will examine is how and why in modern day, do the historical features of capitalism dominate the corporate-led markets within a neo-liberal network.
Furthermore, it will provide an investigative look into the damning effects of capitalism on consumers through corporate control of the culture industry and an infiltration into the Superstructures of society. This research is to affirm the viability of anarcho-syndicalist position and to provide evidence to encourage the anti-globalisation and anti-neoliberal protests.
Benjamin Wright and Michael Roberts argue, using Stuart Hall’s theory of encoding/decoding Louis Althusser’s ideological theory of Ideological State Apparatuses (ISAs) — which posits that the media, the family structure, school and function as sites that wave ideological power to keep in line and the threat of violence from the Repressive State Apparatus (army/police) for social delinquents, that children’s…