The first rule is don’t…the first rule is do whatever you want to do | Fight Club Movie Review
Violence produces violence. Globalized neo-liberal capitalism is perpetual politico-economic and social cultural viciousness and savagery. When the top 1% wealthiest people in society have a disproportionate share of capital, political influence, and the means of production that is a class and social contradiction that produces other forms of contradictions. The income and wealth inequality in the globalized world with a concentration of wealth among the top earning 1% is a gross human injustice and a form of violence.
Fight Club as a militant formation exists as a response to that initial contradiction in society. To employ violent measures as an imagined ‘revolutionary’ tool to wage war on a different type of violence only produces more violence, whether the product is the same type of violence as the initial form or different, it remains violence nonetheless therefore perpetually problematic. In this scope, the means of employing do not justify the end. If one who has never killed before kills a killer, the number of killers in the world remains the same. And killing the killer doesn’t terminate the concept of murder, in its unreal abstract sense, in that death is not consisting of matter nor is it physical although it is exerted in the physical realm, and in its serious sense with…