Member-only story
The Insatiable Lust
Buried in the depths of my heart
is a space that has no source of containment
from all I ever expose it to.
From the heartaches that drive you to immunity;
To the painkillers that come in human form;
To the stolen kisses that spiraled beyond control;
To hellos that still hang on a goodbye;
To falling into the trap of lust…
Lust is to your mind,
What the heart is to its beat.
Constantly pumping to feast its thirst for life,
That desire to get more out of it,
That reminder that…
You are still on a quest for more.
Lust is to life,
What the air is to trees.
One whiff of it,
And there’s no doubt you’re gonna wanna keep taking in more of it.
Lust is to your body,
What an orgasm is to genitalia.
A moment of pleasure,
Can easily transform into a moment too many.
.stolen moments;
…impulsive kisses;