The Present Moment

4 min readJun 4, 2022
Photo by Auston Mtabane on Unsplash

The distinction made between the philosophical discourse and philosophy itself as way of being, is summarily that the former exists primarily as writings in the form of academic journals and books with thoughts of theory by critical thinkers and philosophers, many an endeavour with a scholarly approach in formulating theses about the ways in which one ought to be in the world. The latter conceives of philosophy as a way of life, that exists even outside the rigid confines of academic echo chambers, the embodiment and action of the way of being through consistent, everyday exercises which are idealistic in practice.

Photo by Andrik Langfield on Unsplash

As an enthusiastic student of philosophy, I would firstly propose that it Philosophy, as it benefits all of society as it forms a link between cultures and beliefs, to extend its discourse firstly to all courses within the university, then also in terms of community engagement, to practically show how this discourse can begin to inspire a change in people’s minds to reconsider their ethics and moral codes, to question what they believe and why they believe it. Philosophy seeks for a society in which all persons have quality education, and education does not need to be only within the halls of Nelson Mandela University when there is…




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